Fighting among friends?

British soldiers & their allies

  • kenniscentrum
  • lezing


Onder de titel "Gateways to the First World War" organiseren het In Flanders Fields Museum en de Universiteit van Kent (School of History) in het academiejaar 2017-2018 een reeks van acht seminars.
De lezingen vinden plaats op donderdagavond en zijn gratis toegankelijk
voor alle geïnteresseerden. De voertaal is Engels.

De vier lezingen die doorgaan in Ieper vinden plaats om 19u15
in de leeszaal van het In Flanders Fields Museum, Sint-Maartensplein 3.


Thursday 6 December
Dr. Chris Kempshall, University of Sussex
Fighting among friends?
Relations between British soldiers and their allies 1914-1918

When the men of the British army reached the Western Front during the First World War they were placed into close proximity with soldiers in their allies' armies. The relationships between these men swung between hostile and comradely. The interactions between British and French soldiers in particular would undergo many changes with its highest point coming around the Somme in 1916. The battles of 1918, however, would leave the British isolated and spurned by their allies. In this talk Dr Chris Kempshall will examine the various ways that British soldiers interacted with their allies and the effect this would have on the war effort.