

De dagaanduiding "12 juli, dinsdag" moet zijn "13 juli, dinsdag"

1. rond 19u30 doen de Duitsers een geweldige aanval langs Steenstraat en Pilkem

On July 13th, the day was ‘much quieter’, - plainly a comparative  term- till in the evening about half-past seven a heavy bombardment was opened all along the line, punctuated by explosions of gas shells, and followed by rapid rifle fire. There was just a breath of wind blowing, but not enough to disperse the poisonous fumes, and for some hours the corner was unhealthy. The total casualties for the two days were 13 officers wounded, 17 other ranks killed and 55 wounded,and at 10 o’clock next night the 5th Battalion again "relieved the 4th. Meanwhile, Sergt. W. Hutchinson and Ptes. J. W. Biggin and  J. Cowlishaw were awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, “for holding the flank of an advanced trench, which was partially demolished for 24 hours on the 13th July, in an isolated position, extricating themselves and the gun after they had been buried,and keeping the gun in action.” Eighty casualties and three D.C.M.’s for two days’turn in the trenches: the period of standstill had its chances.

(Laurie Magnus: The West Riding Territorials in the Great War. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1920, p. 60)

foto 1: Fragment van de war diary van het 1/5 (The Duke of Wellington’s) West Riding Regiment
